公司简介 衍进顾问(深圳)有限公司(统一社会信用代码:91440300MA5H0K4B1T)(官方门户:www.yanjinguwen.com)获深圳市政府扶持,主打金融服务(15018911949),也有一些境外劳务服务(13761571872)。业务因兴趣确立,与背景结合。具体业务,相关微信及微信视频号均有详细介绍及展现,具体事宜请文字或语音垂询。金融服务相关视频及产品,几大网络平台均有留痕且我司无法改动,保证真实可信且有时间延续性! 疫情下,我司主推“线上”服务。取衍进顾问(yanjinguwen)四字首汉语拼音字母,注册我司淘宝官方网址并搭建全球唯一官方网站(https://yjgw.taobao.com)!不是因为已缴纳保证金,而是因为淘宝良好的口碑,极佳的交易体验,可靠的保障措施。另外,我司郑重承诺,任何宝贝,亲不满意,实付金额全部退还!来者都是客,衍进顾问欢迎你!! 注:有时咨询人数极多且有些电话号码非常古怪,所以请亲们务必优先使用手机联系,提前表明身份。凡是号码陌生,有潜在电信诈骗可能者,我司可能不会接听。毕竟我司出身正统,相关信息透明、连续、完整,业务正当、合法,因此敬请谅解。
(我司淘宝旗舰店截图!) www.yanjinguwen.com 我司网络站点,仅做推广用途目前。 https://yjgw.taobao.com 我司官网旗舰店 2021-2023 公司招牌 (部分场合依然沿用) 2024-至今 公司招牌(黄金版) INTRODUCTION OF OUR COMPANY With the support of Shenzhen Municipal Government, Yanjin Consulting (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. (Uniform social credit code:91440300MA5H0K4B1T) (Website:www.yanjinguwen.com)has the major role of Financial Service (15018911949) and some other work of overseas Labor (13761571872). Our business are established by interest and integrated with background. Explicit introduction and presentation are provided on relevant wechat and the video accounts. For details, please contact by the text or the voice line. Financial services related videos and products, several major network platforms are left marks and our company can not change, to ensure real and credible and time continuity! For overseas Labor related products, we guarantee that we have carried out feasibility and reliability verification and have successful cases, and can fully answer your relevant reasonable questions. |